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" We told a somewhat strange story. In Guinea Bissau there would be everything to breed chickens but nobody does. Why? "
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" No Kuida di no Mindjeres, a project by the Italian AIFO NGO in Guinea Bissau for a more inclusive society "
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The journey of a hater through Ethiopia. Lercio and Amref guide us in this adventure
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The journey of a hater through Ethiopia. Lercio and Amref guide us in this adventure
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We visited Mongolia to recount the extraordinary results of international cooperation in this millenary country
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The journey of a hater through Ethiopia. Lercio and Amref guide us in this adventure.
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Interview shooted in Ethiopia with 2 authors from Lercio, the most famous satirical collective in Italy. We were there working on a campaign about racism and tolerance.
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International Women Day, 8 March. Together with NGO Amref we spoke to people in Ethiopia about the condition of women.
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One year after "No Kuida di no mindjeres" we are back in Guinea Bissau.
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Routes is the first documentary produced by Narvaloo, it is the story of a journey between Italy and West Africa.

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Narvaloo is a video storytelling collective born from the need to combine different skills to face ever-increasing work challenges. Directors, screenwriters, directors of photography, musicians, audiodesigners, journalists, graphic designers. We put the best possible skills at the service of the story we want to tell. Every story is a new challenge that let us to stay up-to-date, to discover new things, to accomplish something that is different. From our homes to the other part of the world, from creative documentaries to NGO communication, we love to tell every story we like.

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